Monday, January 28, 2008

Back at it...

The biggest thing I noticed that changed when I stopped blogging for awhile was that I took far fewer pictures - not that I share them all on here but it does keep me looking for photo ops. And I miss recording the funny little incidents with my boys that I'm not good at keeping up in a journal. I have two boys - R7 and P4 and they bless me over and over again.

R7 is growing up so nicely. The other day in town he kept getting out of the car ahead of me so he could open my door for me. Now, mind you, he was hoping for a treat at the end of the day (like a trip to Tim Horton's) but that didn't take away how nice it was!

And P4....well he makes me laugh a lot. He loves to wear a superhero cape and wiggle his butt and that's about all it takes to make my day.

Me, I'm as busy as ever enjoying all the blessings and even the challenges that come my way.