Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Mad scientists...

The other day, the boys filled up a big pot with all kinds of things - I don't know what all went in there besides some dog food, water, left over spaghetti ...and I don't really want to know. They were making 'poison' (I think to kill the weeds in the garden they planted). The dog took a few licks and the boys were horrified and promptly took the pot of poison out to the play house where the dog couldn't get at it.

The next day R7 was in tears when the dog didn't come at his call. He was certain he'd died from drinking their potent potion.

About the dog... a really nice white dog showed up one day. We haven't heard that anyone's been looking for him and he's settled in nicely with us. I don't know if we'd ever get a dog any other way. L certainly wasn't going to be looking for one. So it looks like this one is here to stay if no one claims him and the boys have called him "Snuffy"!!! What an unclassy name that poor beast has to suffer with. But at any rate, he's breaking us in - he's actually perfect for us in quite a few ways and I think that even if his owner's show up, we'll start looking for a replacement.

So between Snuffy and my mad scientists, I never know what to expect. Yesterday, I was a little behind schedule with the meal and was trying to finish up the sandwiches for supper to take along. But I couldn't find the mustard....anywhere. I was feeling a little frantic by then and asked the boys if they happened to know where it was not really expecting that they did. P4 pipes up and tells me he knows where it is. He runs outside and out to the garden. He brings it in wiping the dirt off - I don't know if he thought a mustard tree would grow from planing the mustard bottle!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great post.

The boys have a dog!!! YAY!!!

B9 loves to mix up potions when we eat at a place that has little creams, little salts, jams, and sugars, etc.

Quite the mustard story!

Glad to hear from you.