Saturday, November 12, 2005


The other day I received a neat surprise in the mail. My aunt gathered some autumn leaves from maple trees to send us because she remembered me saying that we have just about no maple trees in Saskatchewan. We do have Manitoba maples but they are a far cry from the beautiful maple trees in Eastern Canada. I'm thinking I'll put a collage together and frame it. Maybe you have some ideas of how I can showcase the leaves - if so, be sure to let me know.

Paxton is at such a cute stage. The problem is that when he gets attention for doing funny little cute things, Rory goes after the same attention only it isn't so cute then! It must be tough being a big chunk of a lug at five years old with a barely talking, funny little two year old brother.

One of the things Paxton will do is ask for something. When I repeat to make sure I've understood he looks at me with a big smile and says, "Sure!!".... as if it were my idea in the first place and I'm offering. And when we thank God for our meal, he has to have the last word....gibberish followed by a resounding "AMEN".

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