Rory is perfect for the stereotype of a little guy with tons of energy but very little ability to focus and concentrate on his school work and get it done. Every morning is spent at the table with him and my house work was really suffering.
He dawdles. He drops his pencil. He squirms. He drops his pencil. He stares out the window. He can't find the next word in the sentence he's reading. He drops his pencil. He picks it up and sticks it his pants. He guesses what the next word might be. It's not even close to being right. He drops his pencil. And my patience gets worn rather thin.
I've tried rewarding him with stickers (if he gets enough, he gets a new bike) but that just wasn't doing the trick. I've threatened him with all kinds of 'creative' no avail. I've explained, begged, threatened, pleaded and explained some more. And then I got it.
Since it's my housework time that's being eaten up... I now keep track of how long it takes him to do a page of work. And then we get up and do that amount of time in housework. And then we do the next page. If he does a page on his own and I get to work during that time, he's off the hook.
It's been working great because I win either way! Either I get help with some housework or he gets his work done on his own and I get to do the housework during that time. It's made a world of a difference as I don't get upset that he's 'wasting' my whole morning every day. And it's not a's simply, if I help him with his work than he helps me with mine.
And he gets to have a break from sitting at the table and be involved in contributing to our household in a practical way that can only be good.