Wednesday, March 21, 2007

I'm not wishing for this miracle.....

The boys went out to the car before I did as we headed to AWANA this evening. I got in and knew something was up but.... I didn't see anything amiss so I started out. Isn't it funny how two boys can look so mischievous and adorable at the same time? Or so I was thinking until I spotted it....the dead mouse in the car. EEeeeekkk! Rory said he was praying for that mouse; that it would come to life again, "Miracles happen you know!"


Elise @A Path Made Straight said...

And you were thinking, "Thank God He did not answer 'Yes'!" Funny boy.

Andrea said...

Yes he's pretty funny and determined! The next day I went into the house and I'm pretty sure that same mouse was on my kitchen floor. I'm hoping we get through this stage soon :-)