Monday, June 11, 2007

It's all adding up...

My desk is cleaned off and I'm lovin' it. This year, L's mom has agreed to look after the boys one afternoon a month so I can do the farm books. So I had a very quiet, peaceful afternoon doing one of my favorite things. If I ever decide to stop teaching music lessons, I'd look for a job in bookkeeping - I love data entry and crunching numbers! I know some gals get a little happy when they're shopping and find a great sale. I get that happy when my books are I've really accomplished something great!

What gives you that little happy feeling?


Pilot Mom said...

Knowing that God is "singing over me". It gives me warm fuzzies! :)

Andrea said...

That's a beautiful word picture of God's love and personal interest in each one of us. Thanks for sharing it Pilot Mom.

G~ said...

hello andrea! long time, i know. *blush* seems i don't make as many visits as i should anymore.. *sigh*

love the new (to me!) picture on your blog, altho i loved the portrait of you, too! (it just wasn't so colorful!)

i like doing someone else's books, but not my own! *yikes*
probably cuz mine seem to never balance & b/c there's never enough $ to go around, etc., etc., blah.

what gives me a happy feeling? these days? hmmm..whenever i accomplish some task (easy to please, am i not?!) or when i have a really enjoyable talk with my sons.
