Friday, June 01, 2007


Last night I took the boys to the circus. The boys enjoyed it but it was the later showing and it got a little late. Result: the boys are sleeping in and I have a little computer time this morning.

I don't recall going to the circus when I was younger - I wonder if I would have loved it or .... not. My boys just don't seem to get into it and my ripe old age - it doesn't hold a lot of interest for me. I probably have a greater appreciation for how difficult some of the stunts are - after all the boys believe they are super heros half the time. Really! How hard can it be to balance on cylinder tubes stacked on top of each other? Or hang upside down on rings?!! They did laugh at the clown acts and that was perhaps the highlight of the evening for us.

Perhaps it's a statement of how much it takes to really enthuse this generation of TV-infused kids.

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