Tuesday, February 21, 2006

The Chrysalis and Math 101

I had to laugh when someone came over the other day while Rory was doing his math. She asked what he was doing and when he said math she asked him what 1+1 is. He answered correctly and then she saw what he was working on and it was adding hundreds together like 100 + 200. Of course it's not any harder technically but it looks impressive :-)

Gradually I'm adding more to Rory's day in preparation for Grade 1 (compared to the more laid back Kindergarten year). We've added science, grammar and spelling to his routine of math, writing and phonics/reading. And next we'll add music, history and french. We've got a field trip to the police station tomorrow that we're all looking forward to. We're also getting ready to present a poem called "The Caterpillar" for a homeschool show and tell in a few weeks. You can see the freehand drawing he made to illustrate his poem. I was impressed because this was done with a sheet of blank paper and no books or pictures in front of him to copy. And then I just about fell over when he started talking about the chrysalis - I'm quite sure I didn't introduce that word to him but there he was using the word in the proper context like it was no big deal.

Many times I need to remind myself of how well he is doing and how far he has come over the last months because it's easy to get bogged down in the difficulties in learning something new. Sometimes as we're going over something that I was sure he knew already only to find that he didn't really know it as well as I thought he did, I need to take a deep breath, step back and enjoy what he has accomplished already.

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