Monday, February 27, 2006

I have just a few minutes before I go make lunch. Lately, I'm wondering if I'll be able to continue with this blog as I just have a hard time keeping it up to date. I think it's probably because Rory and I are at an important step in our schooling adventure. He is starting to read and while that's exciting, it takes my full attention in the morning - all morning long it seems. My goal is to see him start to work independently but so far that hasn't been a reality for us. His schooling day now includes a little more work and I find that I have completely lost my computer time in the morning...I'm lucky to check a few emails before I have to start dinner.

On the other hand, I know this will change in time and maybe I can fit in some computer time later in the day until Rory gets a little more independent and self-motivated. By the way, I'd love any ideas you may have for motivating an energetic five year old to do his schoolwork well and in a timely manner when I'm not sitting with him. If I leave the table, I usually come back to see that he has not done a single thing on his own.

Urghhh! Ladger just came in for dinner and I don't even have it started. He's early but here goes my little bit of computer time. *sigh*

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very nice site! » » »