Monday, October 16, 2006

Nice shot, Rory

Here's my favorite shot that Rory has taken with his new camera. It's his birthday cake! The party was a little busy as we had to stay indoors as we were having a cold, snowy day. And it's a little scary trying to keep some semblance of order with a number of rambunctious boys and a very brave little girl who came despite being outnumbered by the boys. But we survived and I hope they had a good time.  Posted by Picasa


G~ said...

awesome shot, Rory!

Andrea, you have a buddy photographer on your hands there... (be careful about when he's got that camera from now on, if you follow me... LOL!)


G~ said...

um... that would be "budding" *BLUSH!*

altho, you can get Paxton a camera too and then they can be buddy photographers, I guess.


Andrea said...

Ooh! Trust me there's a number of shots that aren't going to make it out of this house....already! I never knew I looked like a big polar bear in my big, loose, comfy pajamas *grin*

Amie said...

That is so awesome! What a great gift.