Tuesday, February 27, 2007

A cousin of Ladger's came by one Sunday with a plate of baked goodies for Christmas. And I started to invite them in even though I was in my pajama pants and the house was a disaster zone but then we couldn't because Rory had started to break out with chicken pox and they hadn't had them in their family. I had been working so hard on getting Christmas music ready for that morning's service that everything else seemed to be coming apart at the seams. And I was so exhausted that I just lounged around in my pajama pants for the day deciding to rest and tackle the house first thing Monday. Isn't life funny? I never lounge around the house in pajamas but on the one day I do.... I must have looked a sketch because I still had on the top I had worn with a skirt that morning. It cracks me up to think of it.

So finally I've invited them over properly and I'm looking forward to a great time getting to know them better this evening. And this time my house won't be falling down around my ears, I won't be wearing pajama pants and no chicken pox.

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