Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Wow! Has it been that long?!!

I can hardly believe how fast these days are flying by. I sent Rory off with cupcakes and valenties for his classmates. I'll have to take his skates and helmet for skating lessons myself as the poor guy was loaded down this morning. But I'm sure he'll really enjoy the valentine party today.

I was just realizing today that even though with wind chill, it feels like -32 degrees celsius, spring is not too far around the corner. Now that takes a measure of faith. It's time I started some of my flower seedlings.

I have spent many spare minutes over the last week practicing an arrangement of the classic "The Lord's Prayer". It was challenging to practice it as well as the extra challenge that my keyboard doesn't have nearly enough keys to play the song as written. And it has such a different feel from the grand piano I'd be actually playing on. It was a duet with a violinist and we practiced Saturday together for the first time and I couldn't get my part of it nailed down the way I'd wanted. So I went home and practiced for another hour that evening (after the boys were in bed). And then the adrenalin kicked in and we pulled it off - better than we had played it to that point. I was thrilled - I'm sure I was grinning from ear to ear.

1 comment:

Joe said...

Hey grinning from ear to ear! :-) Hope all is going well for you guys! I don't no how you take the cold like you do! Farming work is about to get in gear, I no your ready! Have a good weekend!