Friday, January 26, 2007

All work and no play...due to some yucky weather...

Today was a day off school and so it was a good day to finally get the year end books finished. The best part was that Ladger agreed to do Rory’s school with him so I’d be able to work in the office without interruption. So I had a great morning. And I was amazed at how quickly Rory got his work done for Dad. I need to pay attention to how he worked that little bit of magic.

Well, I’ve been wanting something for a long time but since I have one that ‘works’ I’ve been putting off this purchase for a long time. But finally I decided it was time for a new…vacuum cleaner. We got a SEBO upright that I just love!!! Of course the novelty means I’ve probably vacuumed every day since I got it.

Rory’s been taking some skating lessons. His second one was today and while we were at the rink, it started snowing and blowing and I just knew I wasn’t going to be heading out to town that evening to a girlfriend’s birthday dinner. I think that’s one thing I find difficult about living in a rural area in the Canadian winter. The weather seems to have a habit of creating havoc with the 'fun outings'.


Joe said...

Just popped in to say hey, hope all is well!

G~ said...


me here, just popping in also.

i know what you mean about outings being snuffed. here it's not always or even usually by weather!
it's just hard to get people together. either someone's work schedule will change or another's teen will need a ride somewhere or another family member is sick in the hospital, etc., etc...

seems to never end as if it's not meant to be for you to have a meal out with a couple or even one of your friends. *sigh* anyhow... lots of it, for us here at least, is just the pace of life.

too too fast.

we don't have all the snow you do up there, but it is WAY too cold to suit me! i wear 2 or 3 layers in the house as a rule! no one else seems to freeze, so i don't set the thermostat up. *sigh* i just cut the fingertips outta my gloves and do the best i can! lol!

i kid you not!

i hope the weather will settle down and behave so that you and your girlfriend can have that get-together. those are very important and should be treated just like a dr. appointment! tell ladger i said so! lol!
