Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Science is the best!!

We've all been learning about magnets, electricity and motors. I bought a couple of science kits for the boys in Saskatoon. And they are enjoying them so much! We made a boat with an motor yesterday and today we've been learning exactly how magnets work and how that force makes the electric motor work. I just loved the look on even Paxton's face when the motor we put together actually worked. No wonder homeschoolers get hooked on homeschooling. The awe of discovery is a very exciting thing.

We've worked through about half the booklet of experiments already and we're waiting for the rechargeable batteries to get recharged so we can go at it again. Rory must have hugged me about a hundred times to say "Thanks" for getting such a fun school project for him. And I...well I don't mind a day of science myself. Are those batteries recharged enough?


G~ said...

oh how i miss those days!!! *sniffle*

yep, these are the days/times that get you hooked on homeschooling for good. it sure was the case for us.

we spent all summer studying birds or doing backyard habitats, hiking and doing um.. (forget what educational-ese type word we called it now!!) we gathered pond and creek water and studied it to see the different ways life grew in them, etc., etc., on & on!!

i dunno if you have 4H up there *shrugs* or something like it, but we got a lot of use out of their material, even tho we didn't have an actual "club". we just used the material individually.

just keep learning FUN for them. that is KEY to making homeschooling "doable"... or more correctly.. doable and TOLERABLE for everyone. once it ceases to be fun, the amount they learn starts to decrease and the tension increases making everyone unhappy!!

we've sorta been there, but i've seen it on a huge scale over and over in other families.

don't insist on following some "schedule" or routine/whatever set by someone/curriculum that has no idea about you or your family. only you can decide what schedule you need! and flexibility is a must! :)

have SO MUCH fun!!!

~big hugs~

Elise @A Path Made Straight said...

Ooooh, I'm curious - what is the name of the science kit you bought? I'm terrible at it - so it would be really good to do some things like this!