Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Time to post...

I just have to post something. That picture of myself scares me every time I sit at the computer. It's time for it to move down the page!!!

It's almost midnight and I really ought to get to bed. It's not like I'm not tired. But I just finished December's entries for the farm's books and I guess I'm a little pumped up and ready to go. And I love the quiet and solitude of the house - I don't get a lot of that most days.

A little bit more work and it's off to the accountant's I go - heigh ho!

Paxton's chicken pox are getting better by the day. Apparently he's not infectious at this point so we took the boys to a farm sponsored bowling and pizza party. Rory beat me. It's not that I didn't try. But they made us do these wacky things like stand on one foot, bowl backwards, etc.

Actually, he's turning out to be a little competitive. A year ago, when he was in soccer, he stood on the field and may not as well have been there for as much as he got into the game. But now that competitive spirit seems to have suddenly kicked in - the good with the bad. We got a new family game this Christmas: The Settlers of Catan. It's labeled for ages 12 and over but we've been teaching Rory to play and he loves joining Ladger and I for a 'grown-up' game. But so far he's finding it frustrating when he loses. The day he wins, we will never hear the end of it!

Well that should just about do it. I may not see me the next time I get on the computer and that'll be a relief. *grin*


Carol said...

ROFLOL (about the pic comment).

I have seen how losing can fling youngun's into the depths of despair.

Andrea said...

Yes, Monopoly was a good example of a game that 'flung me into the depths of despair' more than once... I still hate to lose. I just don't cry as often *grin*