Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Fun and Shopping in the same sentence?!!

I actually DO like shopping. I had almost forgotten what it feels like to hit a mall with nothing but time on my hands. I usually have my boys with me and it is a 'necessity only' endeavor. Usually, it's a chore in my week and not one that I particularly enjoy all that much.

But Ladger went to a farming conference in Saskatoon Monday and I thought it would be fun to go with him. After all, every time he goes he comes back raving about this great restaurant or that nice hotel, etc. (We did really enjoy a meal at Chianti!!!) So we left the boys with Grandma and Grandpa and off we went for a little mini-holiday. And I went shopping. Of course, I went to a couple of music stores before I hit the mall and I was impressed with myself that I found my way around with only a map.

And I found some great sales! That of course makes it all inexpensive...ha! Anyhow, we got back to Swift Current missing the major blizzard that hit a huge region including Saskatoon. Today I was supposed to go to town, but due to nasty weather I stayed home.

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