Friday, April 13, 2007

Boys, pedicures and the blessing of God!

Yesterday, R6 called his Grandma and asked her if he could spend the night over there. She agreed and so off he went after supper. P3 was a little upset but a little popcorn and a snowcone helped him get over it (I guess I'm not above bribing my kids *grin*).

So our evening with P3 was supposed to be really special - I played a game with him and was going to read some books but he curled up on the couch beside me and promptly fell asleep - and stayed sleeping until 8am this morning.

So I got a chance to a little pedicure and polish my fingernails.

And while that was drying, I continued my efforts to memorize Isaiah 61:1-4. I've got this much so far: "The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me, because the Lord has sent me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the broken-hearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisonors, to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn, to provide for those who weep in Zion - ....

Oops, now I'm in trouble. I probably made some errors in the above but it's the best I can do so far.

One thing that jumped out at me was how the Lord's favor lasts for a year compared to God's vengeance which was but a day. I know that type of thing is elsewhere in Scripture where God's wrath is so short-lived compared to his long periods of grace and blessing. May I live in such a way that He can bless my life and the lives of my children and generations to come.


G~ said...

hi, Andrea. when my boys were little, we were either staying at my parent's house part-time (b/c hubby worked nights and there were probs w/my blood sugars, so we slept down there) or full time) after we sold our trailer but before the house was built) so until they were 4 & 8, they "stayed the night w/nana" full time! lol!

but later, it was usually always my oldest who went to spend the night, even if it was just down the little hill from our house and we'd always try to make it a special time w/the youngest. obviously, he was older than paxton & not always so prone to the sleep thing. :) but yeah, it's always good to make their time apart (b/c they spend all their time together!) as special as you can.

good on you w/the mani-pedicure!

i don't think i've had paint on my nails in close to ten years. used to wear it all the time on long strong nails. i have no clue where those nails went to, though. *sniffle* now they are just brittle thin ugly things. poo.

(i think it's meds i take. urgh)

thou shouldst post a photograph of aforementioned embellished talons?


Andrea said...

Hi G~ - that's a lot of 'overnights' at Grandma's house for your boys :-) I remember once staying at my Grandmother's house along with one sister. My memory's a little weak but I do remember the porridge she served us for breakfast the next morning for some crazy reason.

Oh gracious, I don't believe my nails are 'picture worthy'. I've never had nice long strong nails. And now that I play guitar - it's impossible. I'm just happy to not be chewing them off and having them look passable.

BTW, side effects on meds must be one of the biggest trials in life at times.

Thanks for stopping by to say hi. I'm still hanging in with the blog thing but I find it hard to spend the time I used to.

Elise @A Path Made Straight said...

Amen, friend. May we all.