Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Enough with the 5 am wakeup call!! Ladger's been getting up at this time to go spraying and now I'm finding I'm automatically waking up at this unearthly hour. And even though Ladger isn't spraying tomorrow, he's going to Regina and he's getting up at .... 5 am.

So these days I feel perpetually tired.

Often Ladger will start chatting when he sees my eyes open in the morning. I tell him that doesn't mean I'm awake. What can he be thinking? Do I really want to talk about the issues in farming, politics, or whatever at such an early hour in the morning? Truly, I can be a zombie for a good part of the morning sometimes. And then I really start feeling awake and alive in the evening and I just hate going to bed. Silly, huh? Because then the whole thing starts again.

Maybe I'm just getting to be an old gal with no oomph left!

Maybe I need to quit rambling and get myself off to sleep b3cause morning will be here way too soon.


MargoPego said...

Man alive, Andrea! I really hope you get a chance to sleep in sometime soon!

By the way, this is Michelle from BBC '92 - we were "HOGS" together our first year? Anyway, just wanted to catch up with you a bit through this blog. Mine's http://onwordsnupwords.blogspot.com Feel free to have a look. There's not really much there yet about my life per se - just some thoughts I had about a few things. As time goes on, though, it will be more about what's happening with me.

Have a great day & I really do hope you get to sleep in!

Andrea said...

Hi Michelle - so great to hear from you. I've been to your blog before but I'll take a wander over soon again and catch up with you as well. I'm sure I'll catch up my sleep someday :-)

Islandsparrow said...

I'm waking up with the light - around 4:45 - I love the early morning, but sometimes I have to squeeze a little nap in, otherwise I'm yawning at 8 pm.

G~ said...

You sound like me, Andrea, which I'm sure is of no comfort seeing I am an old gal myself and my oomph left me years ago. Why couldn't someone else's oomph have left them for me?! Hmm? Why?


Anyhow, yeah, my dh is working an earlier shift (NOT 5am, tho!) and for some reason, when he gets up most of the time, he wakes me up..not (always...???!) intentionally, but I wake up and then I am up for at least an hour. I mean, hey, I need naps during the day when I sleep til 10am, okay? Getting up at 6 or 7 really doesn't do anything for me, okay?

And like you, I'm feeling a bit like getting something accomplished when it's time to wind down and I know if I don't get on to bed, I'll be dragging again in the morning, but I have a reaaaally hard time getting to sleep...even with sleep meds!!! *gasp!* It's true!

What a nasty little cycle, eh? Gah!

Sleep lots soon!!! Put little white tapes on your eyes that say
Give that a try, maybe? ;)


Andrea said...

Good morning Island sparrow - wow, it IS a nice time of the day if one can adjust and be willing to go to bed earlier (or nap). Who knows? Maybe I'll just get to liking this routine :-)

And G~, I think I just about got caught up. Ladger is starting to realize that if he doesn't try to engage me in conversation, things go much better. I can make make breakfast and pack him a lunch in a perfectly fine daze and be content to slip in bed after that for just a little rest before the boys get up and then I'm doing just great. I just may put the tapes on my eyes just to be sure to remind him LOL

Rachel said...

hi andrea! haha...you sound like me 2...music tcher, worship team..haha...

anyway...sorrie 2 b intruding, but i'm here 2 do a little advertisement...since you r a music teacher, why don't you drop by pure music forums and c how u can contribute or help? and if you like our forum recommend it 2 ur frens ok?

it is a brand new forum by musicians for new musicians, so hope u can come help out n contribute!


hope 2 c u dere!
