Saturday, June 10, 2006

Frog Alert!!

There’s a frog loose in my house!!!! Yesterday Rory came in the house so excited to show me a tiny frog he caught that's probably no bigger than a penny unless he stretches out. He was so excited to add it to our fish bowl as a friend for the fish. And since we told him the frog might need sit on something, he put in the tiny ‘reed’ boat he’d made in our model of the Nile River. The frog sat on it all evening. But this morning he was gone and so far we haven’t found him. I’m a little nervous walking around as you may well imagine.


Amie said...

Oh my! I would be treading lightly too. The idea of a tiny amphibian hopping around would make me a little nervous.

Anonymous said...

Did you find it yet?

Andrea said...

Nope, and at this point I hope I don't find it *grimace*

G~ said...

Still no frog?!?!? YIKES! That would drive me nuts!! how is Rory taking it? Is he oblivious? (we hopes!)

Sheesh, Andrea....I hope you find that thing soon!!
