Tuesday, January 04, 2005

A snitch of conversation...

I never imagined in my wildest thoughts that I'd ever be called "mama" by a precious four year old. Mom or mommy, yes...but Mama?!! It makes me feel like the "Little House on the Prairie" with Ma and Pa. So here's a snitch of conversation yesterday:
Rory says, "Don't worry Mama, I'm going to be nice today. God likes me when I'm nice."
"Who told you that?", I ask.
"God told me", he replies.

What could I say to that? I decided I'd better leave it alone even though I want to be sure that he knows that God loves him even if he's not so nice.

Christmas Tree I took the Christmas tree down yesterday. I love putting it up - it's so neat to fill the house with Christmas! I love taking it down - feels so fresh in the house to have all that space back again!

Sad One of the blogs I read every day is finished until further notice - I'll be watching for your return, Carol!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed a lot! » » »