Monday, December 19, 2005


In this country, a lot is made of the fact that Steven Harper would like to see a free vote on the redefinition of marriage that was shoved through our parliament (with the liberal government leading the charge). The vote was not free at that time and there are so many in our country that did not support that change. And immediately there is an outcry that morally conservative folks are homophobic, outdated in their thinking and not willing to protect the rights and freedoms of all people in this country. Hogwash!! Folks that base their morals on Christian values are not willing to abide any unfair treatment of any group of people but...that is not the issue is it? This isn't about mistreatment or abuse. Equal rights and freedoms can be assured without changing the definition of marriage. And I've probably said it before but I'll say it again - it's ridiculous to call someone homophobic because of their christian based ethic and morality. Since when does disagreement equal fear?

But in this country I think it may be more accurate to say that there is a serious case of 'christophobia'. People are offended by Christianity (which has fueled the move to remove Christ out of Christmas) and want Christian values removed from politics, education and society in general. There is a line in the sand and it is clear that many would vote for anyone but a Conservative. The proven injustice, gross mismanagement and untrustworthiness of our Liberal party is still preferable to many people in this country. But we must not kid ourselves. The framework of our society and politics is based on Christian values - not Islamic values, not Hinduism, not other codes of ethics. But as soon as we take God out of the picture, our society will have to collapse eventually (history attests to this). With no standard of ethics and morality, we will have no choice but to embrace amorality with all its potential for all kinds of injustice and oppression. We are on a dangerous path in Canada - a very slippery slope. You may not agree with Christians (and neither do you have to) but aren't honesty and integrity still worth something?

Note: I first heard the term "Christophobia" from our pastor and I thought it was a very apt description.

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