Saturday, December 10, 2005

We're in the season of toilet training at our house. I had to laugh when Paxton picked up these books when he went to the potty... a little light reading. (Introduction to philosophy)

Speaking of reading... I was planning to take a book fast - no books but the Bible for a few weeks. I modified that to no other books before I've spent time reading the Bible each day. And it's been good as I've been enjoying the Bible much more consistently.

Today we get to try some homemade deer and pork sausage for dinner. A piano student's mom brought it today after spending hours butchering in the last weeks. What a treat that is!!! And I got to return the favor in a small way by recording three songs for their school's Christmas program for the kids to sing to. It reminds me of the old barter and trade way of doing things.

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