Friday, April 14, 2006

Our newest guinea pig...

is Paxton. Yesterday I watched out the window as he lifted up the enclosure where we keep the guinea pigs when they're outside and sneak under. And he stayed the longest time playing with the guinea pigs. It struck me as funny as I bought that enclosure for the boys when they were younger to keep them out of trouble but neither would ever stay in it.

And then I couldn't believe my eyes....Paxton leaned down and started drinking from the guinea pigs' water bottle! I guess when you're visiting the guinea pigs you do as the guinea pigs do.


Amie said...

And no picture??

Islandsparrow said...

Where is that camera when you need it?!

M+ said...

Yes, and eventually someone will dare him to eat a dog-biscuit, or maybe a worm. Oh, the joys of it all.

Saija said...

and women everywhere go "blahhhhh ... " ... *chuckling*

Andrea said...

Yes, I was thinking about getting my camera but I really didn't want to ask him to drink from it again...just to get a picture :-)