Friday, December 08, 2006

Back Home!

Here are a couple of pictures that Rory took on our trip. The first is at the Royal Tyrell museum in Drumheller. We all really enjoyed our day there yesterday! The boys got to see lots of dinosaur bones and even watched the short documentary films a couple of times each. They're doing lots of work this winter opening up some new exhibits and we definitely plan to include it in our travels another time.

Rory took lots of pictures of the mountains. It was really fun to see them through his eyes. He was asking if they were as big as Egyptian pyramids before we got there. We told him that they were a lot bigger. He kept calling the mountains 'pyramids' for the rest of the days there. This is one of our favorites - Cascade Mountain. He was quite impressed that God made bigger pyramids than the Egyptians did.

And then as we drove into our home town, Rory sighed with contentment "Back in Canada". I'm glad he was happy to be home but I guess we need to work on geography - we never left Canada. *grin* Posted by Picasa


HeyJules said...

What a wonderful trip! I've wanted to see Banff for as long as I can remember. Feel free to drop lots of pictures of the mountains in here for the next couple of days. I'd LOVE to see more.

Poor Rory...wait until he realizes he didn't go quite as far as he thought he did! :-)

Andrea said...

Sure I'll be glad to put in some more pictures. Banff is one of my favorite places :-)

Anonymous said...

What a lovely holiday! I'm with Rory! "Welcome back to Canada!" Ha, ha! It was so funny to hear that because it has been a standing joke among my relatives for many long years that whenever anyone travels away from home we welcome them back to "old Canada" even when they have never left the country!
Have a wonderful and blessed Christmas with your precious family!

Andrea said...

Hi Twila! How funny! Thank you for the Christmas blessing. May it be returned many times over for your own family!