Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Boxing Day

It's the day after Christmas and all through the house...all my creatures are stirring. Rory and Paxton were tiptoeing through the dark kitchen at 8 am. Yes, Ladger and I slept in. That is one thing about grain farming - we tend to rise with the sun. I know that cattle business is quite different because winter means chores. Anyhow, the sun doesn't really show up until closer to 9 am so the weeks around Christmas are lazy days for us.

Before we know it, the days will be longer and spring will be in the air. I wonder what will happen in the Maritimes where they haven't even had winter yet. Mom was telling me the grass was still green. Well on this side of the world we've had a white Christmas even though there isn't a terrible amount of snow. We've had some nasty weather though - several blizzards already along with plummeting temperatures at times.

So now that Christmas is over....I'm ready for spring!! In fact I should start thinking about what seedlings I want to start. Some need to start as early as February and I'd better get ready or I'll miss my window of opportunity with some of them.

But will my holidays be long and boring....Certainly not! It's year end for the farm which means I have to do some serious office time and get it done before my 'regular life' starts up again in January.

So have a great boxing day and stay out of the malls *grin* At least that's the last place I'd want to be!


G~ said...

glad everyone's feeling better, andrea. we had snow in the forecast, but only got rain and wind.

*sigh* another squishy kentucky Christmas. *heh, heh*

have a fabulous New Year!

Carol said...

Thanks for the great Christmas letter! Nicely personalized and everything. Hope you are enjoying the week after Christmas. See ya.

Saija said...

the pumpkin paper (previous post) was cute!

and blessings to you guys in 2007!!!!

Andrea said...

Thanks for your kind words! :-)