Friday, September 16, 2005

Still trying to get that crop in.....

One of these days, I'm sure the sun will shine again. But the last few days have been wet, cloudy and miserable for harvest. We didn't get a great amount of rain like a lot of farmers did but this rainy weather just seems to want to hover. This morning we saw a bit of blue sky and we had high hopes of a nice day. Soon a gray fog settled in and the day is looking dreary again. Ladger says at this rate, maybe we'll finish harvest by Christmas!!

Almost exactly two months ago we ordered a digital camcorder and I had almost given up hope of ever receiving it. There was a strike on the West Coast that affected shipping of products and they told me that it probably wouldn't get in until August. August went by and nothing. I called a few days ago and they said "It's here!" Now I'm wondering how long it had been sitting there with no one letting us know. Anyhow, I've finally been able to start learning how to use it and I think the wait will have been worth the end.

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