Saturday, January 07, 2006

Are you Average and Ordinary?

Some of you who know me well may wonder why I haven't written about our upcoming Canadian election. It's because I care so much and am almost holding my breath hoping that Harper forms the new government....dare I hope for a majority government? I am longing for this country to make some positive changes and to halt our downward slide into lawlessness. If you think I'm overstating things, Paul Martin was speaking very highly of Chief Justice McLachlin the other day and just look what she's about.

Apparently she "believes the rule of law “requires” Justices to ignore the actual written law, as passed by democratic legislatures, in favour of unwritten ideological principles."

If that isn't scary I don't know what is. So our justices believe they are above the law?!! That's not a surprise, is it? I'm tired of leaders like Paul Martin (and other experts) that are trying so hard to reach the 'average and ordinary' Canadian while firmly believing that the 'average and ordinary' Canadian is not educated (politically correct, smart?) enough to make important moral and ethical choices. But their own moral and ethical choices are coming back to haunt them - it seems like they just can't hold their own corruption in check. It's exploding during this campaign..a scandal here and a scandal there.

But here's something that bothers me every time I hear a politician speak about ordinary, average Canadians. Isn't anyone else getting tired of being called ordinary and average? It's amazing that our leaders lump us all into one big stereotype and we're just happy to accept it. Maybe therein lies our problem. We have a collective negative image of ourselves. After all who can expect much from ordinary, average people? Maybe we're lucky to have such grand leadership as we have right now.

So I'm holding my breath that maybe, just this once, Canadians will rally because they want a different country than the one we're becoming. Can integrity and a change in direction really happen? I just have to believe that it can!

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