Wednesday, January 04, 2006

I could have been fired....

I thought I was going to have so much time over the holidays. Well, I could have guessed the reality would look a little different. Our farm's year end is Dec 31 and that has kept me busy these days (and nights). Last night I worked away until 1:30 am because I found a mistake that looked like our income was $32,000 more than I thought which will affect the tax bill significantly. But as I worked through it, the error was not as severe as I thought and brought that difference down to $5000....whew! I could just see the conversation this morning.

"Uh...Ladge, sweetie know how I was working so late last night? I...uh.. found out that I missed including some income in our reports and so now we're looking at a higher tax bill."

"What?!!!?!!!?!! That's it! You're fired!" (Yeah, we watch The Apprentice too much).

And just like that I'd be a part-time stay at home, home-schooling Mom and a part-time music teacher with nothing to do. *grin*

But the best part of yesterday was getting a sanity phone call from my lifelong friend, Carol. I say sanity call because I was up to my eyeballs in accounting all day and it was just the break I needed. Plus, she had some great news to share which is always a lift to the day. And... some things she said was just what I needed to hear to reassure me that I was on a good path with our homeschooling adventure. Thanks, girl! :-)

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