Saturday, December 30, 2006

Color: One of Life's Richest Blessings!

It was so pretty yesterday! We had hoarfrost which formed lacy crystal ice on everything and the sky was the softest pink as the sun was heading down for the day. Pastel blues, pinks and white made it a beautiful view in every direction.
One of Ladger's gifts to me was a haircut and color. He watched the boys as I headed off to town by myself - that was a treat in itself. And then I went to a new hairdresser and enjoyed myself thoroughly. I now have blond highlights and a very new look. How fun!!
So today it's time to get those accounting books done and I'll be all set to enjoy the new year! Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

Loved your pictures! We are so desperately waiting for the real winter to come here to Finland...

Andrea said...

Thanks maiju! Has it been unseasonably warm or does winter normally come a little later in Finland?

Carol said...

Great pictures! (How about sending me a picture of you in your new hairstyle?) HAPPY NEW YEAR

Andrea said...

I was afraid someone might request that - ha! I'll see if I can get one taken that I like enough to post - may be quite the project :-)

And an awesome New Year to you as well!