Wednesday, August 23, 2006

The Day I Hung Out with Rob Bell

Our header for our combine (the part on the front that cuts and pulls the crop into the combine) hasn't been working well. In fact it's been vibrating and breaking apart and we're hoping it lasts the season. So the company has been engineering some new things to make it work better and I knew it was likely that I'd be the one driving there to pick it up as it would take too long to get it shipped from the US (customs).

So yesterday, I got a phone call that a guy was driving the parts to the US border and was leaving in half an hour. Yikes!!! I quickly called Ladger and then his mom to look after the boys and then as soon as I figured out where I was going, off I went. Road trip. 10 hours return trip. Luckily, I had just received my audio book "Velvet Elvis" read by the author, Rob Bell. It was awesome. A spiritually rejuvenating day...almost as good as a retreat. I'm glad no one could hear me because I had a great time belting it out with some of my favorite praise and worship CD's. An unexpected kind of day....a blessing....tiring but good.


HeyJules said...

Andrea, I just finished reading that book not one month ago. Wasn't it a great read? So inspirational and mind opening for me, as well.

Andrea said...

Hi heyjules, I loved that book and it was so neat to have one stretch of time to take it all in. I'll probably comment on some of the things that stood out to me in that book in the next post or two.

I did notice that you had mentioned reading that book on CCC. That mention reminded me of it (a friend was talking about it as well) so I decided to throw it in as I ordered "Story".

Anonymous said...

Great photo

Andrea said...

Thanks Joan McDowall! I love it too.