Sunday, September 17, 2006

I'm so not ready for this....

This is the view from my front door this morning! It's hard to believe we were harvesting a crop just a few days ago in the heat. The boys couldn't wait to get all their winter gear on and head outside - it's perfect snowman building snow. Unfortunately, it's hard to enjoy knowing that this is covering approx. 300 acres of our wheat crop. Posted by Picasa


Joe said...

Oh No girl!!!! Snow alrady! Will the 300 acres be lost?

Amie said...

Whoa!! I thought I lived up North. Is the crop destroyed for sure?

Andrea said...

No, the crop won't be lost but definitely downgraded and that's a shame to see a beautiful crop ruined like that. It remains to be seen how bad it will be...the worst grade is feed wheat and that means a signifciant difference in price. Hopefully it will still have some value by the time we get it in the bin.

HeyJules said...

Yikes, that's EARLY! I'll pray for the wheat, Andrea!

Andrea said...

Thanks Jules! The sun is shining and the snow is melting...

Anonymous said...

Oh, my gosh, that's so weird -- snow during harvest?! Well, not as weird as it would have been back home -- we do wheat harvest in July! Still, I"m praying you can salvage the harvest, I know how hard farming can be!

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry, Andrea! It's a shame that the beauty of the snow has to carry with it the pain of loss. It is death, after all, isn't it? I will be praying!