Thursday, October 14, 2004

In the wee hours of the morning, I heard Bang, Bang, Bang and sleepily thought, "Oh good, we've caught a mouse". And then as I became slightly more coherent, I thought that's a little noisy for a mouse. And then I heard the crying. And as I rushed to the boys room I realized both of them were crying. I got to the room and the door was shut, the light was on and Rory was standing on the other side wailing because he was leaking pee and couldn't get out of the room. I couldn't believe it. The reason Rory can't get out of his own bedroom with the door closed is because the door knob is missing (has been since I moved here) and it's one of those things that we've just never taken the time to fix. We can use the lock mechanism to open the door but Rory hasn't figured that one out yet so I guess later today we'll have to do show him and then it's time to buy a new door knob. I'm not sure how the door ended up shut because neither Ladger or I ever shut the door in the first place. Maybe I can blame that one on the mouse. Mouse On Wheel

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