Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Lesson in futility?

This is my third attempt to post something today. I wrote a lengthy blurb and before I was finished, the power went out and so I had to start over. I just almost finished again and ... the power went out..again. *sigh* So I gave up feeling like that was a good waste of time! SobbingI was writing some thoughts about Canada, politics and philosophies. I guess it wasn't meant to be. Maybe if I write about my kids this time, my post won't be destroyed.

Rory surprises me sometimes! Like the other day when I was digging out my potatoes. He got in there like a dirty shirt and was really a big help. And then he cleaned up toys in the living room without being asked and when I asked him about it he said he was cleaning up for his friends to come over on his birthday. So today I started inviting a few friends over for a small birthday party on the 15th.Happy Birthday And when I told him I was going to do a load of wash and then the dishes,he volunteered to help. I opened the washing machine and to my horror and surprise, a mouse was sitting in there looking at me. AfraidI'd already started the water and so I figured I may as well let the agitator drown the poor little critter. But I really felt bad. If I'd had more courage I would have reached in, grabbed him and set him free. As it was, he drowned and I put on one of Ladger's work gloves and threw him outside. Ughh! Rory didn't notice as he was busy at the kitchen sink. The boys and I went to MOPS today and part of the devotional was on encouraging our kids by not giving them a task and then re-doing it because it's not up to our standards. That's all well and good but really...four year olds just do not get all the dirt off the dishes. But I just wiped off the spots with my dish towel and he was none the wiser. And for the most part - he really did an awesome job and I thought it was terrific to have some company for the job!

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