Saturday, October 09, 2004

Lucky in the Unlucky

One of Ladger's favorite phrases is how we're so often 'lucky in the unlucky'. I should ask him if that comes from a Low German phrase. As I posted yesterday, we were unlucky to wrap our unloading auger around a power pole. But we were lucky at the same time because we were able to find the part we needed and we just happened to have a bin crane on the yard. For those of you who need a little explanation: we just ordered the largest bin that's available that has a hopper bottom. A hopper bottom is a funnel shape at the bottom so there is no clean-up once it's emptied. A flat bottom bin can be a lot bigger because it doesn't need the same support but it's also more work to clean out (shoveling, sweeping, etc). Anyway, this bin we ordered is huge and the hopper came on a semi (wide load!). We had a crane to move that hopper off the truck onto our yard but it wasn't big enough to move the thing - not so lucky. That's how we happened to have a bin crane on our yard when Ladger needed it to fix the combine - very lucky. By the way, Ladger phoned an oil company to come out with their rig to move the hopper and so we're all ready to get that bin set up's the long weekend and the work guys went home. We won't be able to use that bin until Wednesday, at the earliest, and we're out of bin space so Ladger had to switch gears and we're now combining the durum. And that will go into the quonset (usually used for machinery storage). But the forecast is looking good and maybe we can get it finished up within a week!! We'll have missed Thanksgiving but we won't miss thanks-giving.