Friday, February 04, 2005

The Trip

So here I am at my brother's place in Saint John, NB. We've had a busy few days of travelling and visiting and it's been really great. We drove to Calgary and stayed with friends there. We flew out the next day with no incidents. At the airport in Chicago, one guy, Darren, was sitting close by and Rory made a friend out of him. It turns out he was loading luggage onto our plane and directing the plane with his lights and he told Rory to watch him out the window and he'd wave. And he did! With his light wands. Big highlight for Rory. We spent the next day at the Museum of Science in Boston (after we finally found it :-) And then it was off to my Aunt and Uncle's place in Barre, MA. Yesterday we drove up to Saint John - long day. Most of the day was good driving but it started to get a little more difficult near the Canadian border - freezing rain. But we made it and have been having a great time. The boys are enjoying getting to know Nahum and Nahum's twin cousins. After lunch we'll head to the Miramichi to visit the rest of my family and friends! Catch ya later :-)


Anonymous said...

best regards, nice info »

Anonymous said...

Very nice site! »