Sunday, February 13, 2005

We're back!

We had a really great time but as we were driving the few miles left to our home I thought I'd go crazy with anticipation of getting out of the car for the last time! We flew thousands of miles to get to Boston and then back to Saskatchewan. And we put 2000 miles on the car we rented as well. That's a lot of miles in two weeks!! I also put on a few pounds as everywhere we went we were fed delicious home cooked meals! In between all that flying and driving (and eating), we had a really great visit with family and friends. The only touristy thing we did was driving around downtown Boston (because we got a little lost around the Big Dig) and visiting the Museum of Science for most of one day. ( We didn't even do any shopping except in the airport on the way home). Anyway, I wish we had a facility like that closer to home - awesome place for a homeschooling family to spend time!! Ladger could have spent a long time in some sections - he found special interest in square (and other odd) shaped gears. He and the boys could watch those gears turning all day :-) So do any of you know why we don't see square gears in practical use?

We enjoyed meeting my adorable nephew who is the same age as our Paxton.
Carol has some highlights (and pictures) from our stay with her family. I couldn't believe how well six children could get along in one house - really specialy family. I got to meet Andrea whom I already felt I knew from her blog. It was so awesome to see Addison after I'd prayed for him when he had a serious accident awhile back. I reconnected with a friend whom I'd lost touch for years - how cool is that?!! We finally got to visit with my fairly newly married little brother and his awesome wife! We just about died laughing as we got to know the funny side of a certain brother-in-law. I got into a great discussion on worship teams with one sister and got to play piano and sing together with another sister. One brother set us up with some great computer stuff - and cooked us breakfast! The other brother impressed us with an amazing monopoly game. I got to play catch up with photo albums and tall tales and some great aunts and uncles (maybe we can see some others on our next trip that we missed seeing this time around).

The trip was a series of warm hellos and sad goodbyes. To each of you who showed us so much kindness and love on our trip from Calgary to Barre, to Saint John, to the South Esk, Strathadam, Sackville, Wayerton, Whitneyville and everywhere in between we thank you , love you and will look forward to seeing y'all the next time I Miss You

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