Sunday, October 30, 2005

What a crazy week! This morning our worship team is on and we had a great practice. I came home to a sick boy. Rory had been sick to his stomach all evening. He was fine all night though so we'll see how he's feeling this morning.

Tonight is a piano fundraiser evening for our new grand piano. And I've been working on a piano solo of Fairest Lord Jesus. And then I thought our violinist would set the piece off really well so we got together to give that a try. And then the organizer asked if we could also do another number as a prelude.

So it's been a lot of work pulling that all together (and practicing).

Plus our worship team has been asked to prepare a number for a celebratory Sunday special service Sunday - we've started to work on Avalon's "Testify to Love". And I've agreed to play piano for one of my voice students who wants to audition for the Kinsmen Telemiracle (which means a trip to Regina on Saturday).

So this means I'll be a crazy busy woman for another week at least.

But with everything that's zooming around in my head, it feels good to finally sit and write about it. Everyone else is sleeping and the house is so quiet. It won't be like that for much longer this morning. *grin*

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