Monday, March 13, 2006

I know why I write best at night. It's the one time of the day that's quiet in our house. It's just after lunch and I'm ready for the day to be over. R5 takes so much of my time and energy for schooling and then when that's finished, it seems he drains what's left with constant noise and wacky behaviour. I think I'm getting a good case of spring fever - I know a couple of boys who need to go outside and work themselves out. And I know a mom who needs to find some peace and ability to function in the midst of chaos.


Amie said...

I hear you! We had a few days of beautiful weather, now today is cold and windy again. Boys are meant to be outside LOL

Andrea said...

Hi Amie, I laughed when I read a similar sentiment at your blog today. Thankfully the day did improve even though it meant putting some energy into good use 'helping' me clean up the house. I had very enthusiastic (if not terribly thorough) window washers and floor moppers. :-D

Islandsparrow said...

I have 4 boys and a girl - and I can sympathize with you! Wish I could invite you over to enjoy my new bathroom - a spa experience with peaceful periwinkle walls and jets in the new tub!! But it's not ready yet - in fact my house is full of working men with loud voices and noisy games involving drills and hammers and saws - not unlike your little men :)

Andrea said...

Hi islandsparrow - that sounds really great....

It sounds like you will be ready to enjoy it by the time the work crew is finished with you :-)