Saturday, March 25, 2006

What do your kids do for fun?

I take great delight in the imagination of our boys.

A couple of weeks ago, Rory helped himself to my salad spinner and filled it with mud and 'planted' wheat seeds. They sprouted and grew and then he cut them down and fed them to our guinea pigs much to their excitement.

This morning while watching Blues' Clues, Rory decided to do his 0wn version of it. He painstakingly traced around his hand on three pieces of paper and colored his handprints blue. Right now he's taping them up around the house and in a minute he'll be in here for me to write down in my 'handy-dandy notebook' (he handed me an old newspaper for that) his clues.

Here I go!

(PS - I'd love to hear what your kids do that's fun and imaginative)


Carol said...

My boys have been taking chapter books that have the occasional picture, and then they redraw the picture, but make it crazy or funny. They think it is hilarious.

B7 and C4 have been enjoying play dough lately. Very creative.

Amie said...

I love hearing about Rory, he always seems to be doing something fun and interesting.

I'm not sure what my boys are playing half the time, they are always playing together in their own little world. Usually superhero stuff.

Islandsparrow said...

My boys were so into superhero games - they used to spend more time talking about who would have what type of power than actually playing the game! They also like to wrestle - build with lego - and as they grew older they liked to make videos. It's fun to watch them now that they are all grown up!

Andrea said...

Up to now, Rory hasn't done a lot of 'superhero' playing but that is changing as he loves outer space shows like 3-2-1 Penquins and Lunar Jim. We usually take a half hour Lunar Jim break during the morning and Rory loves to shout "Let's get lunar!"