Tuesday, March 14, 2006

We had our MOPS meeting today (Mothers of Preschoolers) and I was in charge of the craft time...part two of two sessions on calligraphy. And I just about jumped out of my skin when I saw the group which was almost three times as many as last week. And then the photocopier was locked up and the pastor out of town so I had to go home to gather some extra supplies and copy some extra instruction sheets and liner pages. But in the end, all was well and although calligraphy is not everyone's cup of tea...at least we can say we all tried it :-) Next time we'll be learning how to make hemp jewelery and I'm looking forward to that - especially since others will be leading that session. *grin*

The neat thing was having new moms come out. It's exciting to see our group continue to grow - it's particularly neat considering that we live in a rural area where our general population tends to shrink rather than grow.

This week our worship team was asked to fill in for another group. I agreed to it and then discovered that some team members can't make it. And then I found out that our regular practice time on Saturday evening is impossible because of a concert being held. So I think we'll go with a much smaller team and enjoy a more acoustic sound.


Pilot Mom said...

I love your new *look*! :)

Andrea said...

Thanks Pilot Mom! I just need to get the hang of this comment thing. I checked off a box to moderate comments and that's why you're comments didn't show up until now! Oops!