Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Well this week is not going so well for seeding. It's more like a little Christmas holiday with snow on the ground and a chill in the air minus the good cheer and hot chocolate.

But it is a chance to fill out our census and agricultural survey - thanks to the government we never seem to be done with the paperwork. I thought we could 'feel done' now that all the income tax and GST for this quarter has been done. But Ladger is pressuring me to get off the internet so he can make some more phone calls. Honestly, I'm lucky to get on at all these days!!! Do I sound in a bad mood? Honestly, it's not all gloom and doom around here. I'll try to get back here later.


Anonymous said...

I know exactly what you mean about government paperwork! When you have a small business it never seems to end. I have always said that I work for the government (minus the pay and benefits)!! I hope the weather soon improves for your seeding.

Islandsparrow said...

oh dear...snow -that is always discouraging in May. They call it poor man's fertilizer down here. Apparently it is good for the soil. A little bit of a silver lining on that cloud :)

Andrea said...

The snow is gone and things are starting to warm up. Ladger is back at it this morning :-)