Friday, August 11, 2006

What's a guinea geeb?

That's what Paxton calls the guinea pigs and it sounds so cute! We had two and now we have one. Sadly, they made an escape in their outside pen and we were only able to find one. And we're all missing that cute little guinea geeb!


Dave. said...

Greetings Andrea, dropped in from Pilot Mom.

The fields next to our cottage were being harvested today and I think that they have a good harvest this year.

Whilst we don't farm we praise God that He has provided us with a home surrounded by farm fields!

Andrea said...

Hi Dave,
There is something special about farming and being part of a good harvest. How neat that you get to see farming up close from your home. God is good.

Pilot Mom said...

Andrea, I'm so excited that you decided to join up with Christian Chapter Chat (CCC)!!! Jules and I are so excited about the number we have---10 so far! :) It may make a logistical nightmare but that's okay! ;) LOL!