Monday, July 11, 2005

An Evening Out....

On July 4, many of you celebrated but four of us celebrated a different event here in Canada. We went out for a birthday dinner and talked almost non-stop about things like post-modernism, philsophy, world views, evangelism, church etc. Now that's my idea of a party! *grin* So I've got lots of thoughts mulling around in my head. Hopefully, one day I can sort through some of it and write a post touching on some of the issues we talked about.

But if you'd like something to wrap your mind around while you're out enjoying the sun this summer, here's a link to one of my favorite authors. I enjoyed a debate between him and Morgentaler at the University of Saskatoon in my college days. And I drank in his lectures at our college when he came for a few sessions as a guest. I found this link at Apologia Christi. Here is Dr. William Lane Craig with "Politically Incorrect Salvation"

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