Tuesday, July 12, 2005

"I must, I may, I would, I shall...

be filled with the Holy Spirit." I've been working through "Absolute Surrender" by Andrew Murray. He lists these as four steps we need to take.

  1. "I must..." - that's easy for me. There's no question in my mind that I must if I wish God to use me (I've been thinking in context of leading worship in a few weeks in particular)
  2. "I may..." - that's harder for me; to not have doubts that God will indeed empower me through His Spirit.
  3. "I would..." - willingness, I am willing but at times I drag my feet and wonder what God will ask of me so I'm still working on this one.
  4. "I shall..." - I'm also working on this one; to step out in faith and claim God's promise.

As I started praying and working through these, I found myself having some difficult days. I found myself discouraged because of so many failures in my life as a mom and a wife. But I press on because I know that I cannot live as I ought unless the Spirit that resides in me has His way in my life.

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