Tuesday, July 26, 2005

The Good Life...

Lately I've read a couple of posts relating to 'blogger envy'. So here I sit with a blank mind and sure I'd love to write something brilliant (*grin*) but I doubt that's gonna happen today.

But I'm content. I just have to remember why I started this in the first place - it wasn't to gain the attention of oodles of people all over this globe. For me, it's a chance to capture moments of my life, my kids, my thoughts and be able to share the joy I find in my day to day life with any who would like to share in it.

And so I sit here in my office having stayed up late for the last few evenings to catch up on my bookkeeping...tired but content. I hear the hum of a tractor as Ladger is working in the orchard - evening out straw clumps left over from our flood. Paxton is humming to himself as he watches Dad out the window. Rory is off with Grandpa - not sure what they're up to exactly. And so, having taken a few minutes to appreciate the life that is mine, I'm off to accomplish great things in my house.

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