Thursday, July 28, 2005

Getting Ready to Go....

Today is the day before our trip to Toronto and it's the day I'm most likely to be surly, impatient, harried. Why? Well, I want to leave the house spotless. Partly because I wouldn't be surprised if Ladger's mom will come over for one reason or other (she's already talked about coming over so the boys can sleep in their own beds)and nothing makes me more uncomfortable than that and partly because I don't like leaving my house in an 'unfinished' state when I go on a trip. So between internal pressure and external possibilities I have my hands full.

And little boys have a way of getting in the way of housecleaning. I've already had to clean up a few extra messes this morning. Paxton thought it would be fun to crunch all the beautiful wrapping paper I was using to wrap up the wedding present and dump out my vitamins all over the place. Last evening he brought in a pile of grass sod and dumped it in my kitchen after I had spent quite awhile carpet cleaning (three times over).

So I need to alter my goals and let go of my own agenda and pride. I don't want my last day with the boys to be a miserable day. Maybe I can get the house into decent shape and still enjoy the boys being around. Maybe I can find ways for them to help me and just maybe God can give me the grace to show them the kind of love He shows me every day!

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