Sunday, July 17, 2005

Great White Combine...

This has been the year to top all years in my short history of farming. It started with baseball sized hail and 6 inches of rain in a matter of minutes that caused a flash flood through our yard in June. And then it hailed again a few weeks later on another field. Yesterday it hailed once again and we have yet to see how many fields were affected by this latest storm. As the summer progresses, hail becomes more damaging as crops try to mature and lose the chance to recover.

This last time may have caused irreparable damage and that's why hail is called the Great White Combine. It reaps our crop for us.

I was explaining to Rory about what hail does and why Dad's feeling a little blue today. Before I knew it Rory had great tears falling down his cheeks and he told me he was going to find a way to fix our crops. I told him nothing can be done and then he said "But God can fix them!" And right then he prayed that God would. And then he bounced up and said "I"m so excited because God's going to fix our crops". I love the faith of a child!

Meanwhile I pray that the Great White Combine would leave enough for us to harvest this fall.

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