Wednesday, March 09, 2005

BIts and Pieces..

I have felt in a fog for days now with a nasty cold that just won't let it's tentacles go - one of those energy draining ones that hardly lets you get by day to day. So for my silence for the last few days. I went to town for groceries this morning and came home exhausted after dealing with Rory hitting Paxton on the head in Wal-mart and then helping himself to a creme filled egg in the grocery store (and lying about it). Where have all the nice children gone?

Anyhow, this year I've ordered plants from two mail-order companies as one didn't have everything I wanted. It's time to fill up my big orchard patch...apples, apricots, plums, cherries, pears, etc. I also got a few flower and tomato seeds - so it's time to get those going indoors. We've had such awesome weather, it's felt like spring. Not today though. So even though I have a ton to do, I think I'll curl up with a book and take some time out to read.