Friday, March 18, 2005

A Selfish Moment...

Many times anger really indicates selfishness. How do I react when someone crosses my needs, my wants, etc. A couple of days ago I didn't do too well. I had ordered some geranium seed. And there were 11 and every single one germinated and I potted each one with care. I was proud of my little thriving plants. But Paxton thought they looked nice too and ....well, you guessed it. Twice, when I was in another room, he took the little plants out of their pots and/or dumped them upside down. And I was angry! Angry enough to put him in his room so I'd have a chance to cool down before I could regret my response. I noticed this morning that two of the plants look like they're going to die for sure but that leaves nine that seem to be pulling through. If someone asked me what my priorities are, I'd tell them very few things are more important than my boys. But what did my anger tell me? It told me that my heart needs some serious re-adjusting....once again.

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