Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Progress report...

Lots of people are asking about when Rory starts kindergarten. In my mind, he's already started. If he were going, he would be able to start this fall but if that were the case I'd hold him back a year. As it is, he's not going to be held back but he's also not heading to school in the fall.

I'm really pleased at his progress. It's not just the letters of the alphabet and the numbers that he can print so well and the words he's able to sound out by himself; it's the way he's starting to work on his own without supervision when I give him his assignment; the way he has accepted schooling as a part of life and doesn't fight me on it when it comes to doing things he doesn't really want to do (which is pretty much all workbook exercises - printing letters, numbers and words). He does love listening to his phonics CD's and anything that requires one on one interaction.